European Union funded Comenius Project

European Union funded Comenius Project
Green Skills for Global Change

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Bienvenidos a las ciudades resilientes

¿Qué significa el concepto de resiliencia en cuanto se aplica a una ciudad ? TRANSfORMINg uNdERSTANdINg INTO ACTION ANALySIS A classic strategic planning analysis method is the SWOT, referring to Strengths, Weaknesses (internal), Opportunities and Threats (external). We suggest reordering the analysis under the acronym TWOS, examining issues before solutions, and prioritizing the external over the internal as resilience focuses on preparing for largely external shocks and stresses; the Threats section will be informed by the six challenges of: population, climate change, energy scarcity, income disparity, socio-political and environmental degradation. One should assess all aspects of a city’s infrastructure: water, energy, waste, building fabric, etc. pRObAbILITIES + IMpACTS vS COST Quadrant maps can help visualize the probability of a shock or stress occurring and its economic impact, mapping these against the cost of building the capacity for resilience. This exercise will help prioritize strategies and tactics. STRATEgIES + TACTICS When creating a series of strategies and tactics to execute each resilience approach, the 6 attributes of resilience should be used to assess the quality of any given strategy or tactic. Ask: > How much flexibility does it allow for? > How will it facilitate redundancy in the system? > How does it support the increase of diversity in the system? > How can dependency of systems be reduced? > How decentralized is the solution? > How integrated is the system with its environmental context? Strong strategies and/or tactics can answer many of these questions and can serve more than one approach, so be sure to cross-pollinate your worksheets. SOURCE

Think Green and Act global for change local a podcast presentation by Comenius Green Skills for Global Change